CIO Mind, The Gartner CIO Podcast

CIOs and Sustainability: Why Bother?

Episode Summary

Only 5% of CIOs say sustainability is top of mind. Yet CEOs are prioritizing sustainability investments to impact the new climate economy. This CIO Mind Podcast episode discusses key actions for CIOs to advance CEOs’ sustainability goals through Sustainable IT, ESG data and IT for sustainability.

Episode Notes

Episode highlights: 

This episode of the CIO Mind Podcast follows the money in sustainability. Host ck Andrade and Kristin Moyer, Gartner Distinguished VP Analyst, explore whether CIOs are at risk of being left behind in the climate economy, where CEOs’ sustainability initiatives are transforming CIOs’ obligations. Join us as we reveal key responsibilities and actions for CIOs to support CEOs’ green investments and business models. To discover how other CIOs view sustainability, see Gartner’s Peer Community.

Kristin Moyer is a Distinguished VP, Analyst in Gartner's Global Enterprise Executive Research, which is part of Gartner's CIO & Industries practice. Kristin helps CEOs, boards, sustainability leaders and digital leaders find new technology-enabled paradigms. She brings practical ideas and advice to help enterprises improve their transformation programs, create emerging business models and pursue new missions. Her enthusiasm, encouragement and research acumen help executives persuade others, execute plans and achieve impact. Kristin's research focuses on sustainability, CEOs, augmented (AI) executive, digital business, platform business and non-executive board of directors. She is invited to speak around the world as part of both client and Gartner conferences. Kristin loves the thrill of the stage. But she also runs engaging executive roundtables and workshops. Her most recent keynotes have included CEO Concerns, The AI Powered Digital Gold Rush and Embed Sustainability into IT Strategy.