CIO Mind, The Gartner CIO Podcast

Successful AI Requires a Practical Literacy Program

Episode Summary

AI can only revolutionize your business if your team knows how to use it responsibly and effectively. In this episode of the CIO Mind Podcast, Gartner’s AI Chief of Research, Erick Brethenoux, gives CIOs the proven roadmap for building AI literacy to optimize AI’s value within their organizations.

Episode Notes

Episode highlights:

AI experimentation is rapidly scaling to implementation across the enterprise. For CIOs, developing a comprehensive AI literacy initiative throughout the organization is now a tactical and strategic imperative.

Erick Brethenoux is Gartner’s Artificial Intelligence Chief of Research. He specializes in AI techniques, decision intelligence and applied cognitive computing. Erick guides organizations on the strategic, organizational and technology aspects of using AI as a driving force for growth. In particular, his research focuses on the operationalization of AI techniques and practices, AI engineering, and next-generation decision intelligence systems.